Review: YourMinerals

Hello Sweethearts,

today I'm going to introduce you to YourMinerals. They contacted me a while back && I was so so excited when they asked me if I wanted to try/review three of their products!
Of course I shouted YES & I wrote an email back.
I have had these products for a couple of weeks now & they already are part of my favourites. I wanted to review these products as good as I could and as honest. That's why it took me a few weeks longer than normal.

So when it first arrived in the mail I was super excited because it came in a gorgeous envelope.
The packaging inside was even more beautiful than the envelope. The products are each packed in a blue soft  little bags.
It also came with a hand signed note. Which to me means that they really care and take care of their costumers, because of the personal touch of the xoxo Maja.

At the top is Transparent Veil.
"Transparent Veil is a transparent fixing powder for the foundation that settles like a soft transparent veil over skin. The ultralight silk texture gives a nice smooth surface by minimizing fine lines and pores. The skin is kept matte and the makeup will perfectly stay all day. Apply over your foundation for a flawless performance. For you who quickly gets a blank/shiny face, this Transperent Veil is the perfect tool!"

 The one on the left is Radaince sparkle.
"For that little extra sun kissed look on your face, Radiance Sparkle is the perfect product. Radiance Sparkle is developed to enhance with a bronzing touch and give your face and/or your body a luster. It works perfect as well as a Body Glimmer for your cleavage if looking for a teasing sparkle when wearing something nice, or it can be used as a rouge when you are out in the sun and want to sparkle a little extra."

 && the one on the right is Concealer fair.
"Made with 100% minerals, Concealer fair's texture is in a powder form and becomes creamy once applied on the skin. It has a soothing and nourishing effect on the skin and provide a natural UV protection with SPF 20."

They also each come sealed perfectly, with on top a lovely quote. && I love inspiring quotes!
All the products feel really soft and natural on the face. I also love that they each have an ingredients list of only natural ingredients. The list is also super minimal, not a lot of make up brands can say that these days. So if you look for something that feels and is natural Your Minerals is the brand for you!

I'm first going to show the effects of the Concealer fair.

I have really dark under eye circles so I thought I would use the concealer on there. On the first picture I already applied my regular concealer. As you can see I still have very dark under eye circles. On the second picture I only applied one layer of YourMinerals concealer. The result is amazing if you ask me!

The next product is Radaince sparkle.

The bronzer is truly a sun kiss with sparkles.
The last product I'm going to show is the Transparent veil.
To really tell the different, which can be hard with these kind of products, I only applied it tone one half of my face. Can you guess which one?
It's the left side.
I can really tell a different by with and without the product applied. The left side is way more smooth and has a gorgeous glow. While the right side is less smooth.
If you think after ready my honest opinion and review that YOU want to try this yourself, than I have a nice discount code for you! If you use Julia20 you get 20% off your order!
Let me know your thoughts about YourMinerals
if you're going to try it yourself
Because I would love to know what your opinion is about this product!