Truth or dare tag

Hello Sweethearts,
Todat I decided to do the Truth or Dare tag. I was tagged by Divaglamfabxoxo and Chantellefashion.

The list of questions for the truth and the dares.

1. Do you like your username? If not, what would you change it to?
2. If you could go on a date with one person on YouTube, who would it be?
3. Do you think you have changed since your first video you posted? If so, how?

1. Do an impression of one of your favorite YouTubers. Answer: CarlyCristman.
2. Show one weird thing that you can do.
3. Tag at least 5 other people to do this video!

Check out my new video to see me do the dares and to hear my answer to the questions of the truth.

xXx Julia