Beauty Blogger Tag

Hello sweethearts,
Today I'm going to do the Beauty Blogger Tag. I first saw this tag on Thebeautyoflouise her blog, click here to read her answers.

1.) Is your hair naturally curly or straight?
Somewhere in between, it depends on how my hair is cut and the shampoo I use.
2.) What is your natural hair colour?

3.) Do you dye it yourself or go to the salon?
My dad dyes my hair for me. I don't like it if the salon dyes my hair because the last time it went back to blond within a week. And when my dad dyes it for me it stays black for at least six months!
4.) How often do you wash your hair?
Every other day.

5.) Do you wear the same style or change it?
I do change it. I curl it once a week, the curls changes from big to small depending on my mood. I also use different hair pieces to change up the look.

6.) Do you do your own mani/pedi or go to a salon?
I do my own manicure. I like  to experment with nail polish and create new looks. Also the last/first time I ever got a mani, it kind of went wrong with a broken nail that was so short that it bled.
7.) How often do you change your nail polish?
Withing two to four days after applying it. Unless I'm lazy that once a week.

8.) Do you polish your nails in the winter too, or just the summer?
I especially polish my nails in the winter, I like the winter colors better than the summer colors. I also polish my nails in the summer and spring and fall. I like polished nails.
9.) How long does it take to put on your makeup?
15 minutes.
10.) What do you do first? Face or Eyes?
Face for sure!
11.) Do you 'collect' makeup or just buy what you need when you need it?
At first I collected make up now I only buy it when I really need it.
12.) How often do you wear false eyelashes?
Never. I love my natural lashes!
13.) Do you always do a full face of makeup everyday?
No, I also like to not wear make up and just relax and be casual or I only wear mascara.
14.) Do you wear makeup when you're home alone (or with family)?
 Not very often. Sometimes I do wear make up when I'm home alone or with family just because I want to apply some make up.
15.) Will you leave the house without makeup?
Yes, Sometimes I apply it on the way but there are a lot of moments I just don't feel like wearing make up.
16.) How many high end products do you have?
A lot.

17.) How often do you clean your makeup brushes?
 I clean my eyeshadow brushes after I used them & I clean my foundation/blush brushes once a week.
18.) Do you plan your OOTD every night or decide when you are getting dressed?Depends if I bought something new I plan it as soon as I buy it & think about it before I go to sleep. And if I bought nothing new I just decide when I wake up and open my wardrobe.

19.) How often do you change your handbag?
Once a year or once in the two years I buy a new handbag and that's when I change handbags, haha.
20.) What time do you get up and go to sleep?My sleep psychologist adivced me to go to sleep around ten o'clock and wake up around 6/7 o'clock and in the weekends from eleven till eight. But because it doesn't always fit in my schedule I decided to go to sleep when I want and wake up around eight.
21.) How often and when do you workout?
At least two hours a week. One hour Yoga and one hour Pilates. Sometimes I decide to take an extra hour Pilates. I also want to start jogging.
22.) Left-handed or Right-handed?
23.) How tall are you?
1.70 meter = 5 feet 58.
24.) Do you speak a foreign language?
I speak English, haha.
25.) How many pets do you have?
At the moment two very cute guinea pigs.
26.) How often are you on blogger?
A bizilion times a day. Every spare second I have I spend on blogger - ADDICTED -.
27.) Do you read the comments posted on blogs?
YES ! they always make my day.
28.) Do you keep a list of products to try as you see other posts?
Yes I actually do make a list in my head. It's way to long though, haha.
29.) How did you come up with your blog name?
It was easy I used it for my fashion videos on youtube and I thought thats catchy and easy to remember. And than I decided to make blog on which I could post the list of items I showed in my fashion video. And than I started to also do hauls and review and swatch and before I knew it my blog became a 'real' fashion&beauty blog.
30.) What kind of camera do you use for photographs?
Depends. At the moment I barrow my dads Canon 550D. But normally I use my HTC titan. And when I just started out I used the Casio exilim.
31.) How often do you clean your house? (Daily, weekly, other)
When my mom tells me to, hihi. I'm lazy like that.

32.) What is your favourite colour?
Blue, Pink & White.
33.) What is your favourite beauty/fashion magazine?
Don't really have one anymore.....  I use to read Sugar and Shout [uk magazines].
34.) Do you swear?
35.) What are you doing with the rest of the day?
Today? I just came back from school. And I'm going to edit a nail tutorial and I'm going to Yoga. Also I'm hungry so I'm probably going to make some noodles!

Let me know if you did this tag !
I would love to read it!
xXx Julia