California Temaki inspired sandwich

A week ago I went to a sushi bar where I ate my favorite temaki, the California Temaki. Now it depends on where you eat them which ingredients they put in. I ate mine with Avocado, Surimiflakes [ imitation crab flakes], Sesame, Japanese mayonaise and more.
And that's when I came with the idea for this sandwich !

What you need is this :
  • Surimiflakes
  • Sesame
  • [Japanese] Mayonaise
  • one Avocado
  • two bagels

Take the avocado and cut it into chunks.
Now take the bagels and cut them in half. Put some mayonaise on top of your bagels.
Than the avocado chunks and Surimi flakes. Now finish of the sesame and you're done !
That's how easy it is.
You could also add Ebiko, Cucumber, Rice or Nori.

And this is the Japanese mayonaise that I used, I got it at an asian grocery store [or something]. You have different flavors but I believe this is the 'regular' one, you could also use regular mayonaise. But it's totally worth trying, since every mayonaise taste different in every country.

Hope you're going to try it out,
And let me know if you like it !
xXx Julia
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