Review: Benefit Brow Bar.

Hello Sweethearts,

A few days ago I went to the Benefit Brow Bar for the first time ever. && I decided to share my experience.

- I was actually working on this post on the airport. Halfway through it I had to board so I'm writing this now from my bed still using the 'on the go' less good quality pictures I took. Hope you don't mind.-


The person who waxed my eyebrows was very good, quick and symmetrical. She first asked me what kind of eyebrows I would like && I told her I thought her eyebrows were gorgeous.  So she went with it && I love the result.

What she basically did was wax my eyebrows, cut them & epilate them. She than used something to disinfect my eyebrows with && she than applied concealer and coloured my eyebrows.

This is a picture of my eyebrows after a few hours. They're still a bit red, she did cover up most of the redness.

This is a picture of my eyebrows a few days later. The redness and sensitivity is gone but I did have a few pimples because my skin got annoyed.
If you wonder if it was worth the pimples I say YES because they're small and gone pretty quick && my eyebrows look AMAZING!
I would deff check it out for only 11 pounds and give it a try once.  

Have you ever been to the Benefit Brow bar?

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