Mini Haul: Dune, H&M && Essence.

Hello Sweethearts,

I thought I would quick show you what I bought today. So here is my mini Haul!

I first bought the Macie fold-up sequins ballerinas from Dune. I got them in the colour pewter-sequins. The were €35 but deff worth it since they're soooooo comfortable! I have been looking at these shoes for a while now && I decided that I deserved them. & when I tried them on && felt how comfortable they really are I was like I NEED THESE IN MY LIFE. So I bought them, hihi.

The second item I got are the red jeans [with elastic waist] in the middle of the picture. The are €9.95 at H&M.
I also bought two super comfortable [summer thin] sweatpants in Hot pink && anthracite Grey, they are also €9.95 each.

&& last but not least I went and picked up the Essence Stay with me longlasting lipgloss in the colour Candy bar, which was €1.99.