Review: Glitter eye liner - Primark.

Hello Sweethearts,

Good morning from the UK. Yes I'm in the UK right now && since I had to wait for breakfast I decided to write && upload this review.

Today I'm going to review the Glitter eye liner by Primark. You can get the packaging in two colours, silver && white or black && gold.

The eyeliner is really black with lots of glitters in it. I didn't know what to expect for €1.50. On first sight the eyeliner looks normal but when I used it I noticed that the liner brush is actually a brush. Which isn't helpful with applying the eyeliner since the hairs of the brush are going every where.

But if you actually take the time to apply this eyeliner, because it needs several layers, the liner will stay on all day. I think this liner is more long wear than the one I use from L'Oreal.

Overall this liner is a nice surprise because I didn't expect it to be so long wear && the result is worth taking time to apply the liner.