Get on your dancing shoes

Hello Sweethearts,
Yesterday evening I went to a huge party, with a fenomenal theme; I wanne be a millionaire. && I decided to just go loose and enjoy the evening, since I have been studying very hard the past week.

But I never go to a party without taking pictures of my outfit, so today's outfit post is yesterday outfit of the night.

I even took a photo of me posting my outfit on instagram, haha. Overexcited much much.

I'm wearing a flowery dress from H&M. My glitter studded tights also from H&M. My stone necklace & leave necklace from Accessorize. My bracelet from Forever21.

...the lights are flashing
Down in here tonight
And some might exchange a glance
But keep pretending to dance

Don't act like it's not happening
As if it's impolite
To go and mention your name
Instead you'll just do the same
As they all do, and hope for the best...