My birthday in pictures.

Hello Sweethearts,
As some of you may know, I turned 20 last Tuesday. && so I decided to do a birthday in pictures kind of post.

My dad made a delicious birthday supper on friday.

On sunday I celebrated my birthday with my mom. Her present for me was going to the beautysalon. && Sushi for lunch.



On monday I had to stand bar && my grandparents came to celebrate my birthday. I got italian cookies & Rituels eyebrow pencil in hazel.

Someone also made some muffins for me.

On Tuesday was my birthday && I found a random pancake in my house, that one of my roommates made me.

 & my sisters birthday card arrived!

&& this was my birthday outfit.

My roommates made me a 20 cake on wensday.

&& I got parmesan cheese as a birthday present.

Julia BowtieDiaryComment