Mini Haul: H&M && Vans

Hello Sweethearts,

I know I haven't been active lately but that's because my uni already started && I have joined a sorority.
This also means that I haven't gone shopping in forever ! But I found here and there the time to just quick run in a shop & buy some stuff. && Today I decided to share this with you !
Yeay for a mini haul !!!!!!!!!!!

The first item that I bought are these gorgeous Vans. I really needed a new pair.

The second item is this sparkling top from H&M. I have been eyeing this top for months now && at one point I was like what the hell I'm just going to buy it. The top was €24.99.

&& the last item is this gorgeous collar. I have been looking for one like this for a few months now & when I saw it I was like I need this ! The collar is from H&M && was €19.99.

Julia BowtieHaul1 Comment