Vintage rose - Accessorize Lipstick

Hello Sweethearts,
Today is the first post of my Lipproducts Tuesday. And ofcourse I'm going to show/talk about the Accessorize lipstick I showed in my haul on sunday.

First of all I love love the packaging.

It doesn't look cheap at all but I got it for less than 8 euros. I also heard about superdrug in the UK who sometimes sells it for less than 4 pounds. I deff recommend it, even if you only want it because of the packaging.
You also have the version by Too face, also with a diamond on top, but that one was more than €20 and the pink packaging kind of makes it look cheap.

Today I'm showing you Vintage Rose.

And this is the swatch. Of course I also show it on my lips.

My bare lips.

With the lipstick on and a shadow.

With the lipstick in sunlight.
This lipstick is easy to apply, doesn't smell weird and is pretty long lasting. It stays on for a few hours and it kind of feels like a lipbalm.
Like I said before I would deff recommend this lipstick because I have high end lipsticks and this one is just as good but not as expensive.

What do you think about this lipstick?
Do you own a Accessorize lipstick?
So yes which colour do you own?

xXx Julia