Review: Orabrush & Tongue foam

Hello Sweethearts,
Today I'm going to review the Orabrush & Orafoam. To be honest I have never ever considered cleaning my tongue or using anyhting against bad breath until Orabrush sent me these products. It did change my opinion about cleaning my tongue.
I also learned that 90% of bad breath comes from build up dirt on your tongue. We younger people may not have it as bad as older people but we still have it.

This is how the packaging looks like, it's quite informative & has a lot of pictures. I like it. I also like that I have the blue Orabrush. It matches my pink toothbrush!

And this is how the brush looks with the foam on it. The brush has the perfect shape for your tongue & the foam taste delicious. The foam is also a 100% natural.

I also took before and after pictures of my tongue to show how much dirt came off.

I'm young so I don't really have a lot of build up dirt on my tongue. But I did notice a different in taste. As soon as I cleaned my tongue my sense of taste got better. So I would recommend it to people who eat for taste. So you can enjoy the taste of delicious food more after using it.

Another reason why I would recommend trying it is because they now have a one time offer. Your first Orabrush for FREE. You do need to pay for the shipping but I think it's a pretty good deal! Click here to check out there website.

What do you think of Orabrush?
Are you planning on trying it?