Outfit of the night - UK theme

Hello Sweethearts,
YES finally another fashion post. I know my blog is called Julia's FASHION Minute & that I post a lot of beauty related stuff lately. Besides the fact that I don't see a differents between fashion and beauty, okay a little bit but I think beauty is an important part of fashion. I felt kind of like I haven't posted anything fashion related in forever! - forgets huge haul from last week-
But I did make pictures of my outfits the past week. Not sure when I'm going to post them though. & I filmed a new fashion video, that I may upload after a fashion video that I will upload begin July.
Blahblahblah Going to show you the outfit now -happy face-.

O wait forgot to tell you what kind of outfit of the night it is. Well yesterday night, as you may read on twitter, I went to a party [ PrayForWillyFest ]. && the theme was UK. Easy peasy lemonsquizy.... Since I have a LOT of union jack printed things.

Wearing my cute little dress from H&M, that I already showed in a fashion video click here. I wear a black blazer on top of it, also from H&M. && My Accessorize tights, that I scored a few years back & have been my favourite ever since. They died last night though -sad face-, I do have a similiar one in black/grey/blue.

For shoes I decided to go with my 'limited edition' Union jack printed all stars. Haven't worn them in forever, almost forgot that I had them.

And ofcourse I wear my new Union Jack heart shaped necklace that I bought at Claire's, more information click here.

Yes something glittery! I carried my glitter party purse with me the whole night. The purse is from H&M. The bow ring is from Asos.com. And on my nails I have the colours blue, white & red. & on my thumb & ring finger I polished the union jack, OMG yes I have another click here -> this time a tutorial.

I wear a big red bow in my hair. The one that I bought in Bristol last year, at American apparel.

I also made a heart shaped union jack on my wrist.But it was kind of gone before the evening really began.

For those who are wondering if I still have my Union Jack sequins top & why I'm not wearing it to this party.
Well yes I still have it, see:

Reason that I didn't wear it was that I already wore it last year to the same party, no theme. And I felt like doing something different. Also I kind of saved it since it was my sisters party & there was this chance that someone would wear the same top as she did. [she got her top from Zara, the union jack was made of lace & she looked sooooo pretty <3 !].

So this was my fashion outfit of the night post,
It's kind of just writing down my thoughts.

xXx Julia