Mini Haul: Accessorize, H&M & Magazines.

Hello Sweethearts,
Yes this week another haul but this time a 'mini' haul, hihi.

The ring was probably the first thing you saw. It looks huge on this picture but in real life it's pretty small compared to my other bow rings. I got it at Accessorize for €4.95 [ It also had a 4 pound sticker on it.]

I also bought some other stuff at the Accessorize. Since I loved the nail polish so much the last time I decided to buy some more colours. I got the colour Bronze & Heart beat. Let me know if you have a favourite colour from the Accessorize nail polish line and how it's called because I want to try more of their nail polishes but can't decide which colours I should buy.

I also decided to try out one of their lipsticks, I'm in love with the packaging!!!!
I went for shade 5, Vintage rose. Unfortunately Accessorize doesn't sell that much colours over here as they do in england. Because if they sold the red lipstick I would have bought it for my sister, since I read a lot of good reviews about it & she loves red lipstick.

I also bought this headband at H&M for €7.95 I think it's very cute and I can't wait to wear it!

Last but not least I also wanted some magazines again, since I only buy them every 3 months. I use to read Shout all the time but for some reason I stopped. So I picked up a Shout magazine.
And I also decided to try Marie Claire, not only because it came with a Ciaté nail polish but also because I hear a lot of people talk about it and I became curious.

Like I mentioned the Marie Claire magazine came with this gorgeous Ciaté nail polish. I already swatched it, to see the pictures click here.

And with my Shout magazine I got this BYS eyeshadows pallete. Not sure what I'm going to do with it, since I know myself and I'm probably not going to wear it.

This was my haul for this week,
xXx Julia