317 Dark antique pink - Kiko nail polish

Hello Sweethearts,
In my last haul & on instagram I posted pictures of my new Kiko nail polishes that my sister gave me. She brought them all the way from Spain. And I'm very excited to show you the swatches !
Today I'm going to show you the swatches from 317 Dark antique pink.

This was the first one I tried and wore on my nails for a week. I totally loved it. But yet my sister and I were surprised because the nail polish looks in the bottle a lot lighter than it does on your nails.

I'm wearing two coats on my nails & the nail polish dries very quick. It also doesn't chip that fast.

As you can see it depends on the lighting which colour the nail polish shows. It isn't a big differents.  The last picture I used the flash and in the two pictures above I used natural sunlight, haha like sunlight can't be natural.

Have you ever tried a Kiko nail polish?
Which is your favourite colour?
xXx Julia