Nail art with temporary tattoos.

Hello Sweethearts,
A few days ago I tweeted about how cool some nail art designs are with simply using temporary tattoos.
So yesterday I decided to also buy some temporary tattoos. And I ended up in some random toy store buying a sheed with over 520 temporary tattoos on it. [for €2.99]
And for the try out I used some cute flower tatttoos. [well actually one row of flowers that I cut up in single flowers.]

I used the lower row of flower on the right. And I cut it in single flowers expect for the two outer flowers. I decided to do two flowers on my thumb and single flowers on my other fingers.

Make sure you removed the transparent layer, otherwise you will have the same problem as I had on my second finger. The temporary tattoo will stick to the transparent layer if you drop some hot water on it. [that's the reason why only one of my thumbs has two flowers.]

Further it's very easy to use, it's easier than applying nail polish.
Because if you removed the transparent layer the tattoo will stick to your nail. And with some drops of water it will stay on your nail.
And with a topcoat it will look fabulous.

The color of nail polish you apply underneed will also influnce the outcome of your nail art.

This was just a try out,
soon I will post more pictures of me
really using temporary tattoos as
nail art.
xXx Jula