My week in pictures

Hello Sweethearts,
Today I share my week in pictures. [ 14 May till 20 May 2012 ]

On Monday & Tuesday I went to 4 exams in my pajama. Looking like a banana. [ Don't know if you know that show but if you do awesome, hihi]

On Wednesday I ate egg with red peppers and cheese for breakfast.

I made supper for my mom, my sister & moi.

I studied for my Math exam.

I ate some noodles.

Sunny outside but I decided that day to wear a sweater anywayz. [friday]

Spoiled myself with a long foot Veggie Delite.

Saying Hi to the cat of my grandparents who stays at my dads house for a week.

Went out for dinner on Friday

Eating some of the left overs, best breakfast ever!

My package finally arrived on saturday !

 After studying for a few hours I decided to go shopping.

Got a mint tea and a vegetable juice at La ruche.

Also a pink cupcake.

My dad had these Pnuts.

Cleaned up my dresser.

Ate some fruit while I was learning for my exams.

On sunday I started my day with noodles.

Got some snack I'm planning to eat during my exams this week.

My mom and sister made this amazingly delicious dinner.

Yummy !

Hope you liked this sharing m week in pictures something.
xXx Julia