My Boyfriend Scales Walls - O.P.I.

Hello Sweethearts,
Today I'm showing you the swatches of My boyfriend Scales Walls by OPI.

What I love about this nail polish;
Most white nail polishes say 'BAM Hello I'm wearing  white on my nails.' But this one doesn't because it has a greyish shine to it.
Which also makes this white nail polish really unique & very subtle.

The only thing I don't like about it is that it's quite streaky.
You need more than one layer to get rid of the streakiness.
But now that I am thinking about it it can also be the fact that I first applied hand cream to my hands/nails & a base coat & than this nail polish.

But overall I really like the color, I only needed two coats & it's very subtile for a white!

I'm not sure if it is my favourite of the spiderman collection. I will swatch all the colors that I have soon.

xXx Julia