Recipe: Fruit bowl with Grapefruit, Blue berries & an Orange

What you need for this recipe:
  • Pink or White Grapefruit
  • Blue berries
  • An orange
Peel the rind of the orange. Slice the quarters of the orange in half. Do the exact same thing with the grapefruit. Now put it in a bowl and mix it together with the blue berries. You can also add some sugar.

Why add the grapefruit?
The Grapefruit exist out a lot of water which helps your body to transport nurtiens. Grapefruit also helps your body to use the calories of the meal as energy instead of fat.

Why add the blue berries?
Blue berries have anthocyanins & anti- oxidants. Which is inflammatory, anti-aging, lowers your cholestrol and protects you against various diseases. It's also very good for your skin, I have a lot of spots and they got less when I started to eat blue berries.

Why add the orange?
Because the Orange is my favorite fruit, haha. Also it contains the most vitamine C of all citrus fruit. Besides vitamine C it also contains protein, carbohydrates, calcium and iron. I probably don't need to explain why your body needs those four.

All the fruit together gives me a good feeling and a happy mood.

I eat this sometimes as breakfast but most of the time after dinner when I'm doing homework. And I decided to put this between my recipes because I really like the combination and I just wanted to share it.

Hope your going to try it!
xXx Julia
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