quick and lovely salade

I don't know if this recipe already excist but this is something I just thought of.
In other words I didn't know what to make for supper, so I just bought somethings and threw it together haha.
So I start off with cutting the onion into small pieces.
Then I took three tomatoes and cut them as well into small pieces.
Then I peeled cucumber.
I also cut the cucumber.
Next I cut the basil into fine pieces.
Last but not least the mozzarella.
Now throw it all together in a big bowl. Add some olive oil, peper & salt. And mix it all together.
And you're done !

Did you liked this quick blog post? And do you want to see more of the things I make for supper?
Then let me know because then I will do more !
Or maybe a video version next time?

Thanks for reading,
stay awesome!
xXx Julia